BC4T - Boros Cares 4 Troops

"Sometimes the smallest act of kindness has the biggest impact on someone's day!"


A BIG THANK YOU goes out to the many generous people who donated for the care packages we will be assembling for our senior (over 70 years of age) veterans in our community. We have over 300 senior veterans just in Northboro alone. We are well on our way to getting the products for our first 30 care packages, which wouldn’t be possible without the support of our community.

- Michelle Gillespie
- Janice Akins-Fournier
- MaryBeth Fossey
- Jennifer McNulty
- Christine Cobb
- NancyAnn Carens
- Mary Ellen McKenna
- Patricia LeSage
- Heather Capes
- Geoff Kelly/Sirloins

- Jason Perreault

- Heath Cartier

- Shirley Tetreault

- Geraldine Dunlap

- Karen Ryberg

- Kathleen DellaPenna

- Walter Tebo

- Leslie Rutan

- Brian Gleason

- Eric Fournier

- David Gobron

- Christina Renzullo

​- Cheryl, Tony & Ryan Arsenault
- Stacey Arsenault & Nate Knox
- Adriane Gilder
- Joan Thurber
- Dan & Leslie Arsenault

- Richard Cayer

- ​Pat LeSage

- Nicole Hoffman

- Henry Morgan

- Mary Dragon​
- Mr. and Mrs. Paul Desautels
- Frank Domino and Sylvia Pabreza
- John and Sandy Reardon
- Tom Hays Sr.
- Doreen Taschereau
- Tom and Sue Sartori
- Ellen Picone

Many Thanks!

- Erica Zeiger
- Angela Cornacchioli Snell
- Kathleen Stott

​- Carol DeRienzo
- Jean Sagerian
- William Cote
- Karen Ryberg
- Patrick Sullivan
- Marianne Kearney
- Kelsey Colbert
- Susan Toronto
- Deb Davison
- Nikki Wittman
- Christine Rank
- Rebecca Haberman
- Philip Lockwood
- Christine Daniels
- Michael & Martha Michalewich
- Pam & Stephen Stickles
- Lauren Sebastian & Pamela Ray

- Jody Stiles

- Jacqueline Teeven

- Donna Finn

- Denise Andrews

- Amy & Tim Rice

- Irene Savas

- Beverly Shafner

- Suzan Boucher

- Abigail Stone

- Mark Littel

- Michael Berardi

 -Susan Goellner

​- The New Creation Christian Church
- Pastor Jeff & Jane Busby
-Joanne Laswell
- Barbara Brannon
- Doug & Paula Moore
- Paul Derosier
- Maureen Dalton
- Mr. and Mrs. Peter Domina